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Brown Trout Hat

Brown Trout Hat

Regular price $30.00 USD
Regular price $30.00 USD Sale price $30.00 USD
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Ah yes, the Salmo Trutta.  Are these native trout to the USA?  No, but they are native to Europe, and this is one of the most widely distributed and therefore most invasive trout species in the world.  

Habitat - Brown trout exist throughout many states in the US.  They were first introduced in the 1800's but at this point have been widely distributed in many rivers throughout the country and world.

Conservation - We won't be donating anything to help preserve Brown Trout in the US.  Instead, we will donate 4.20% to the Yellowstone Cutthroat.


100% polyester

One size fits all adjustable snapback

100% cotton rope

Olive hat with yellow rope

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